Thursday, January 6, 2011


Have I lost my edge?

I have been angry at the mormon church for so long. I have been angry that they stole my life, meaning that I lived my life according to what they told me would make me happy and it turned out to be a lie.  I have been angry that they have attempted micro-manage my life; from how many pairs of earrings are acceptable, to flip flops being inappropriate for  church, to not allowing my children to have sleepovers; all decisions that I am capable of making on my own.

I have been angry at them for lying about the real history of the mormon church  I have been angry at them for lying about them being the only true church of god  I have been angry at them for suggesting their leaders are infallible  I have been angry at them for saying their leaders speak by the spirit and must be followed  I have been angry for them saying it is more important to pay tithing to the mormon church than to put food on the table  I have been angry that they say the only way to heaven is by paying tithing to the mormon church, doing secret handshakes in the mormon temples and making secret oaths in the mormon temples that they stole (my opinion) from the masons.

Now that I have turned in my resignation, my anger has dissipated.  Has most my passions been fueled by my anger? Have I now lost my edge?

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