I have repeatedly said that one of the main reasons I left the morg is because it is not a good place for women.
I have given my personal story of how I have been harmed by misogynistic leadership. I have heard so many women who have shared similar storied to mine. The pat answer I get back is that *the church is perfect, the leadership is not*. This is so completely lame, it doesn't deem a response. However, since I hear it so often, I will respond.
If the church were indeed receiving guidance from god, then it would not be making poor choices, repeatedly, that harm a large group of people over a long period of time.
If the church were indeed receiving guidance from god, then its leadership would be making choices that were god-like, not human-like.
If the church were indeed receiving guidance from god, then its choices would reflect equality, love and acceptance, not judgement, condemnation and subjugation.
People would not be leaving in droves due to pain and disillusion.
If the church was what it claimed to be, it would be a wonderful place for everyone involved...
Yes, it would not have to make excuses like, the leaders are not perfect. That is such a cop-out.
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